BPP Elections

Dadrawala requests for Unity in time of calamity, however questions the timing and hosting of the meeting, prior to elections

People will opine one way or the other regarding the timing and hosts of the Samast Anjuman Meeting.

noshir-dIdeally the Samast Anjuman Meeting should have been convened only by the petitioners (and / or the High Priests) to garner the opinion and support of the community.

What the BPP could perhaps do …. *unanimously as a Board* is to simply give an affidavit in support to *the petitioners* that if the Metro is indeed going right under our sacred Atashbehram it is not only disturbing the religious sentiments of the community but, it is also a potential threat to the old heritage structure and therefore the authorities should consider realigning the tunnel.

This is a macro issue concerning the community and we should refrain from looking at it under the micro lense of elections and orthodoxy or reform!

As Parsi Zoroastrians we should be prudent and positive and see only opportunity in times of calamity. This is perhaps our opportunity to Unite for a common cause and speak with one voice … above the din of petty politics and party partiality.

I am confident all the BPP trustees will think rationally and look at the bigger picture.

Noshir H. Dadrawala