

kersi-randeriaAs the community is aware in 2016 outside the 38th Court of Additional Metropolitan Magistrate at Ballard Pier, during the hearing of Khojeste Mistry’s case against both Musharaf and Dinshaw Mehta, as co-accused, Kersi Randeria had turned up in Court with a large group of his supporters to disrupt Court proceedings. True to his plan and strategy, fisticuffs were exchanged between the ex-Chairmen of BPP, Dinshaw Mehta and present Trustee of BPP, Kersi Randeria leading to TWO SEPARATE FIRs being filed on both of them by the MRA Marg police as well as FIR for molestation charges on both of them by the respective ladies.

The TWO FIRs were subsequently converted to criminal cases filed in the same 38th Magistrates Court in 2017 awaiting framing of charge sheet against both of them. The cases were adjourned from time to time. At the last date of hearing on 16th April 2018, the Hon’ble Magistrate wanted to frame charges against them both in all the four pending matters. Since Dinshaw Mehta was present in Court, his adjournment request was accepted by the Court but on levying cost of Rs. 5000/ in each of the two matters of Dinshaw Mehta.

However Kersi Randeria was not present in Court and his lawyer made an Exemption application in both the FIR matters against him. But the Court rejected the Exemption application and told the Advocate to produce Kersi Randeria in Court in both the FIRs filed against him or he would issue Arrest Warrant against him. After some time the Advocate returned and informed the Court that Randeria was not reachable. The Hon’ble Court then ordered issue of Two Warrants against Kersi Randeria in the two FIR matters including one of molestation of a lady and adjourned the matter to 7th September 2018.

Randeria will have to now move the Court before that date to have the warrant cancelled or the police are likely to arrest him and produce him before the 38th Magistrate’s Court.

It is ironic that Yazdi blackmails the Rustom Baug Pavilion Committee to debar the ex-Chairman, Dinshaw Mehta from attending the May Queen ball on 30-4-2018 on specious ground that an FIR has been filed against him without disclosing that the EOW of Crime Branch as well as MRA Marg police have given reports to the Magistrate’s Court exonerating him in those cases and only subsequent tape recordings on basis of which they gave Musharaf his long pending Tenancy demand is now pending inquiry by police.

Yet the same Yazdi Desai does not say a word about two FIRs pending against Kersi Randeria including a molestation FIR and in which two Arrest Warrants have been issued against him.

Published on:
Metro Junction Supplement
April 29, 2018
(Mumbai Samachar)