
Udvada utsav in Valsad: Small in numbers, option to be loud, says Boman Irani

A NIPPY evening on the second day of the Iranshah Udvada Utsav did not deter Parsis whose numbers kept soaring as it turned darker — the main attraction being Bollywood funnyman Boman Irani.

Irani was at his comical best when he said, “Damn the Tigers, save the Parsis.” Irani, whose satirical take was on hjs community’s diminishing numbers, reached Udvada early on Saturday. He was accompanied by his sons Kayoze and Danesh, and wife Zenobia.

“Though we are small in numbers, we have the option to be loud,” he said eliciting loud cheers from close to 3,000 Parsis at the venue.
The performers of “Tapo-re-Iranshah” were greeted with a thunderous applause and a standing ovation when the play concluded.

Earlier in the day stand up comedian Neville Bharucha’s “bawaji” jokes had the audience in splits. Later in the evening, dance performers of the Hormuzd Khambatta Troupe kept the Parsi crowd glued to their seats.
Vintage models of Fiat, Chevrolet, Mercedes, Ford lined in a series at the venue attracted many eyeballs.