
Karachi Parsis – On Turning 100 – Kzbm

We would like to present you a souvenir of our Centenary celebrations in which most of you participated with your family and friends.

Going by today’s trend, there is little text and lot of photos. We hope you will find yourselves and your friends there.

The souvenir is printed in colour to capture the vibrancy of the celebrations and the beautiful clothes you all wore at different events. In this we thank the photographers of our community who have preserved these memories for us: photo credits appear at the end of each event. I have tried to place as many different faces as I could because between the various events practically the entire community in Karachi must have been a part. My apologies to those I could not include due to space constraint.

We thank the advertisers for their generous support which has helped in defraying the major cost of printing.

We received a suggestion to include the list of KZBM members. This appears on pages 18-20. Therefore, if your picture is not in the pages, your name will definitely be there.

Thumbnail history of the Mandal is also included on page 21.

Hope you will enjoy the brochure and keep it.

Sunnu F Golwalla

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