
This Is Why We Support The Youth

Adille Sumariwalla
Adille Sumariwalla

Proposer – ADILLE SUMARIWALLA (Former Olympian)

Seconder – FAROKH KAVARANA (ex-Director TATA sons)

The campaign for Trusteeship of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) has officially come to an end. We were pleased to see the large turn-out of interested individuals attending the meetings, especially those of Candidate No. 19 – Viraf D. Mehta.

Whilst seeking our support as Proposer and Seconder, Viraf assured us that no matter what was said or written against him or his family, he would ensure that his election campaign would be clean and positive, based on his achievements and goals.

We are extremely pleased to note that Viraf has stuck to that promise he gave us. Not once during his campaign did he partake in any negative campaigning. In fact, his positive outlook for the community has even swayed many of his detractors in his favour.

Unfortunately, in spite of maintaining righteous and fair conduct Viraf has been unfairly targeted in some of the most revolting hate messages and emails.

He and his family have been attacked by a few without ascertaining the true grit and morals of the young man.

Farokh Kavarana
Farokh Kavarana

In our opinion, Viraf has stood out from most of the other candidates because he has not let this sort of negative campaigning deter his spirit in any manner.

The essence of the Voluntary Code of Conduct was to refrain from such negative campaigning in these elections.

We are certain Viraf, with his 15 years of corporate experience, will be an asset to the smooth functioning of the BPP. At 38, being Vice President of a company like CLSA, which is Asia’s leading and longest running independent investment and brokerage group, with over 1,500 employees, is an accomplishment by itself. Viraf is also connected with over a dozen NGOs and Public Charitable Trusts.

It is our strong belief that the future of the community lies in our YOUTH who, unfortunately, have intentionally distanced themselves from community affairs.

We believe that Viraf will be that catalyst to bring about a synergy between the old and the young.

ZYNG would be a good example of how he has his own ways of connecting with youngsters, understanding their needs and being able to change their perspective towards active involvement in our community affairs as well as that of the elders.

Above all else, we have been told and have also seen for ourselves that Viraf is a ‘People’s Person’ – the most required skill for any candidate standing for a post that essentially mandates public interaction.

Viraf is the proud son of Dinshaw Mehta. However, today, he stands in his independent capacity, willing to dedicate his time and effort for the BPP.

Let’s be open to bringing about this progressive change, encouraging the youth to participate and shoulder responsibilities for the community and its affairs.

Viraf, to our mind, will certainly help bring this much needed transition at the BPP.

We trust you will exercise your right to vote, smartly, and help bring about that change in the BPP.

Best wishes,
Adille Sumariwalla & Farrokh Kavarana