
Miracles and Legends in Zoroastrianism: Desk Calendar 2017

Background about Persiart7:

Persiart7 is an initiative undertaken to create awareness amongst community members and others about various important and interesting aspects of our history and religion. As we dig deep, we come to realize that there are abundant stories and personalities which can inspire today’s generation.

Our first creation was a Desk Calendar, 2016, which highlighted the glorious history of ancient Iran shortly followed by a customized diary adorned with images of Persepolis and explanations of each image within the diary.

We also have a Facebook page named Persiart7 where we share interesting short stories about Ancient Iran.








Current Project: Miracles and Legends in Zoroastrianism – Desk Calendar 2017

Persiart7 undertook a project in which the key miracles and legends of Zoroastrianism have been brought to the community in the form of short illustrated stories. This desk calendar contains the miracles and legends right from the prehistoric times: discovery of fire by ancient Iranians to the present day Zoroastrian rituals. This project has been dedicated to our respected and beloved Late Dasturji Dr. Peshotan Dastur Hormazdyar Mirza.

The objective of this calendar is to reinforce the belief and devotion in Ahura Mazda and emphasise that through complete faith miracles are possible!

With valuable insights and guidance provided by eminent scholars like Er. Dr. Rooyintan Peer, Er. Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia and Er. Dr. Parvez Bajan, team Persiart7 arrived at twelve episodes.

The mission of giving life to each of the stories was accomplished by our very own digital artist Yohan Mody who burnt the midnight oil to ensure that the project was completed on time.










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