BPP Elections

BPP Press Release – Nominations for BPP Trustees’ Election – 2015

Mahiyar G Dastoor, Election President, announced the list of nominations received at the end of closing hours on October 18. Five seats on the trust are up for election for which Twenty Five candidates have entered the fray which includes 2 women contestants and 23 men. They are as under :




  1. Danesh Nejadksy
  2. Daara Patel
  3. Goolrukh Buhariwala
  4. Dr Homi Dhalla
  5. Hoshang Jal
  6. Maj. Gen. Khurshed Balsara
  7. Kemas Wadia
  8. Kersi Randeria
  9. Maneck Davar
  10. Ervad Marzban Maney
  11. Cdre Medioma Bhada
  12. Sqn Ldr Minoo Wadia
  13. Minoo Nalawalla
  14. Noshir Dadrawala
  15. Parvez Umrigar
  16. Dr Percy Doctor
  17. Phiroze Amroliwalla
  18. Shaarookh Wadia
  19. Maj Gen Soli Pavri
  20. Tehmtan Dumasia
  21. Viraf Mehta
  22. Xerxes Dastur
  23. Yazdi Desai
  24. Zarir Bhathena
  25. Dr Zuleika Homavazir

Contestants can withdraw their nominations till September 30, 2015
Voters with laminated certificates are once again requested to procure duplicates from BPP Office, Election Department

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Voter FAQs – http://bit.ly/BPPFAQsVoter

EVM FAQs – http://bit.ly/BPPFAQsEVM