BPP Elections

Maneck Davar contests for BPP Elections

Statement by publisher Maneck Davar on why he is contesting the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) elections: “As my name has been mentioned as the candidate of trusteeship of the BPP, especially as part of one panel or other, I would like to issue a clarification. My purpose in contemplating contesting these elections is because the BPP has reached its nadir, the actions of all seven trustees has seriously eroded the credibility of the community, and the stay from the Charity Commissioner has denied housing and financial support to the needy. I felt that as a self made entrepreneur, and someone who have been involved in managing many NGOs, I have the capabilities to see the BPP out of its present crisis.

“Apart from fiscal prudence and management, if I contest and am elected I wish to introduce principles of e-governance so that all activities of the BPP, including housing allotment, is done without bias and favouritism as it would be a process without human intervention. All matters pertaining to auctions and sale of property be done by a committee of eminent finance professionals and not the trustees. I look upon the trusteeship of the BPP as a position of responsibility, and not one wielding power and pelf. To that I propose that the election scheme be suitably amended wherein the term of a BPP trustee will be only five years and for not more than two consecutive terms. I do not intend to seek re-election for if I have not managed to complete the task I have set myself in the space of five years, I would not be able to do it in ten. I also propose a Trustee Mentorship Program wherein bright, capable and professionally qualified young people, who wish to serve the community, would be provided exposure to the workings of the BPP, preparing them as future trustees. I come from a humble and poor background and I understand the needs of the poor and disadvantaged and I have tremendous compassion for them.

“To achieve all this and make BPP once again an institution which its beneficiaries would trust and respect, I would need the co-operation, if elected as a trustee, of other members of the Board. I also perceive the trusteeship as a duty that needs to be performed without effecting compromises. I am pained at the politicking which is going on at present and want no part of it. I also will not support tacitly or otherwise any of the present 7 trustees; they have so badly let the community down that they deserve only condemnation, not redemption.

“I pray to all my community members to please cast their vote in this election with great care, because the way things are there will be no second chance.”