

In keeping with this papers policy of Transparency and Accountability, we take pride to inform the community that Berjis Desai is still willing to honor the commitment made by him to donate Rs. 1 crore to cover the difference between additional cost involved between voting by physical ballots and voting by EVM. This is in spite of the likelihood of reverting to the earlier system of voting by Ballot paper due to the several glitches experienced by EVM voting in the recently conducted Elections on 29th May 2022.

The community will recall that when the new Election Scheme was pronounced by the Division Bench of the Bombay High Court of His Honor ex-Justice Sharukh Kathawalla and Jadhav J. by its Order dated 1st March 2022, it had recorded the voluntary offer made by Advocate Berjis Desai to donate Rs. 1 crore to cover the high cost of conducting Elections by EVM instead of paper Ballot.

Berjis DesaI by his mail of 18th August 2022 has informed the Trustees of BPP that he remains committed to making the said donation though BERJIS DESAI HONORS HIS COMMITMENT TO DONATE RS. 1 CRORE FOR EVM ELECTORAL EXPENSES he now agrees to the near unanimous view that EVM voting is not really suited for Trustee Elections, having regard to the nature of the Electorate and other complexities, and that it is widely believed that any future election will be conducted by physical ballot, which the Trustees are authorized to do, even under the provisions of the present Scheme.

Berjis Desai further goes on to inform the Trustees that the entire income of his donation can be utilized towards meeting election expenses and further adds that at the request of the Chairperson, he is agreeable if R. 25 lakhs from it is utilised for clearing the liabilities of the recently concluded elections and the balance Rs. 75 lakhs is placed in approved securities under the Income Tax Act to cover future election expenses by either mode.

Berjis Desai has sought the views of the Board of Trustees on his proposal at the earliest and upon their approval will forward the Donation cheque of Rs. 1 Crore upon execution of a short Agreement between him as the Settlor and Trustees of BPP.

Unfortunately though 10 days have already elapsed from receipt of the offer of Berjis Desai, the Trustees have found no time to post haste reply to him from their onerous micromanagement duties self inflicted on themselves by our Hon’ble Trustees, though now meeting twice a week for hours on end. Perhaps it is time that the Board considered appointing sub-committees of knowledgeable individuals on the several issues concerning the BPP and its management to help the Board to take expeditious decisions on such issues.

Source: Parsi Junction