
Meet the real Gau Rakshak

1At a time when the country is reeling under violent incidents brought about by cow vigilantes, or Gau Rakshaks, 31-year-old Nina Joshi, a resident of the Dadar Parsi Colony helped secure treatment for an abandoned cow that had a badly injured ear. Joshi saw the injured animal roaming the streets in the colony during the heavy downpour on Saturday. She took the cow to her garage and kept her there overnight.

2The following morning, she hired a tempo and loaded the injured cow into it, sending her to a farm outside the city for treatment. “The cows in this area are treated very badly,” alleged Joshi, referring to the Mahim-Dadar neighbourhood. “Three of them have died as well.” However, this is not the first time Joshi has rescued a cow. “I was involved in saving a cow in Wadala earlier as well,” she told mid-day.