

CaptureEven the detractors of Mr. BERJIS DESAI are not denying that his credentials to serve as a BPP trustee are excellent. 41 years of experience as a leading transactional lawyer of India, Company Director of many National and Multinational Corporations, extensive knowledge of community & BPP affairs over decades, ability to bring about consensus between different groups.

However they say that he is intermarried twice. Few know that he lost 2 children at birth, and then lost his wife, his childhood sweetheart, due to childbirth complications. Later he remarried her best friend.

Today he is categorical that for survival of the community, Parsis must not intermarry. In any event, when the BPP is facing a lifetime crisis, are you not going to vote for the best candidate, of ability, experience and honesty – simply because he is intermarried ? Please ask your conscience this question.

Of course the orthodox are justified in attacking him on another ground, namely that until a few years ago, he was a Liberal. We can assure that BERJIS DESAI today is more orthodox than most. Look at the following facts :-

  • He was the petitioner to stop the metro from violating the karsh under our holy Wadiaji AtashBehram and the Anjuman Atashbehram at Princess Street and fought upto the Supreme Court, and spent nearly Rs. 40 LACS out of his own funds for legal costs
  • He is the founder of the “Parsi Zoroastrian Guards of the Holy fire”, a registered public religious trust to protect and preserve our fire temples, dokhmas and other sacred institutions. Starting with Rs. 25 lakhs, He is committed to contribute over Rs. 5 crores for this trust, over the next 3 years.
  • He is a fully ordained priest (Navar & Martab) at the age of 10 in the oldest Agiary in India – VadiDarehmeter of Navsari
  • His ancestry is from the Desai family of Navsari – Khurshedji Bapa or Khurshedji Tehmulji Desai, who was principal founder of the Navsari Atashbehram, some 250 years ago, and is Berjis’ DIRECT GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER.
  • Berjis has publicly declared that he will not ‘deviate in the slightest’ from our established traditions.
  • His Mastery of Khordeh Avesta prayers increases every passing day.


Who are the other candidates apart from the 2 Desais. NONE OF THEM HAVE ANY TRACK RECORD OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY,

Give BERJIS DESAI a chance for a few years to do something for our August Charity. If he is NOT a trustee, it is NO loss to him. He is not a career ‘Parsi Politician’ at all.

It will be a huge opportunity loss for the Parsi Community