
Twitter users demand ‘Bharat Ratna for Ratan Tata’, but the entrepreneur says this

A huge number of Twitter users are campaigning for Indian Business and Emeritus Chairman of Tata Industries, Ratan Tata, to be conferred with the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award in India. However, Tata has now requested the users to discontinue the campaign, saying that he is happy to contribute to India’s growth.

“While I appreciate the sentiments expressed by a section of the social media in terms of an award, I would humbly like to request that such campaigns be discontinued,” Ratan Tata said in his tweet.



The hashtag #BharatRatnaForRatanTata started trending on Twitter yesterday (February 5) after motivational speaker and renowned businessman Dr Vivek Bindra tweeted about the campaign to confer the highest civilian award to Ratan Tata.



The hashtag soon started trending as Twitter users urged the government to bestow the honours to the eminent businessman.

“Naman Sir. Truly you are a great son of India,” said one Twitter user.

Another user added “Patriot Sir #RatanTata taught us about the virtue of kindness and generosity. For entire life he continues to build India great by charity and empathy. I request @PMOIndia to honour this Great Man with Highest Civilian Award”

Similarly, another user wrote, “SIR RATAN TATA should get BHARAT RATNA from Prime Minister of India.”

Ratan Tata is known for his social causes and philanthropic efforts. The octogenarian industrialist has always been respected for his charitable works and his magnanimous nature with his employees.