

Today we are fighting an invisible enemy.

No one knows what the future has in store for us and how long this lockdown may extend. These are testing times for each and every one of us and if we do not unite in this fight we will not survive.

The Parsi Irani community in Mumbai has shown absolute resilience in complying with orders from the State and Central Governments. Our colonies have seen many, if not all residents taking adequate precautions against the virus. Considering our diminishing numbers, it is imperative we take that added precautions to stay as safe as possible.

It must be stressed (repeatedly) that elders are most susceptible to this virus and hence special care needs to be taken care of them during these testing time. We must keep as minimal contact with our elders as possible yet ensure they are well taken care off.

As many of the community members are aware, the BPP Trustees had launched a helpline to help all in need. The BPP has been receiving number of requests for assistance and the BPP with the help of its staff have been helping as many as possible.

The BPP Trustees also launched a helpline to provide essentials to the people who need it the most. This has been a huge success. We continue to urge residents to use this helpline for any need they may have. A big thank you to all our brave volunteers across Mumbai who have selflessly stepped forward to help the BPP in our endeavour to ensure assistance is provided far and wide.

In fact from this week we will be launching another helpline to help full-time Mobeds whose income has been affected during this covid period. Just because our Fire Temples are currently not indulging patrons doesn’t mean we forget about our priestly brethren.

We have seen multiple other Trusts also provide assistance to needy members which clearly shows that everyone today realises the difficult period in which are passing.

As many of you are aware, the Trustees have launched a scheme to provide meals at a nominal cost to the neediest members of our community. This scheme by the Trustees is launching from Monday with caterer Jimmy Gadiwala preparing these meals.

All these actions have been possible because the majority BPP Trustees believe that right now is not the time for egos but for actions. Whilst the present Board may sometimes have a disgruntled Trustee who is not happy with the decisions taken by the Board, the rest of the Board are committed to serving the members of the community during these times and beyond.

The Board of Trustees of the BPP are available to all residents/ community members in need of assistance and otherwise. The role of a Trustee is to serve the community members hence any community member can call any Trustee at any time requesting for assistance. It is our job to serve. If needed, an email can also be sent to all the Trustees who in their collective wisdom will act in the best interests of the community. Community members should refrain from sending emails to only one Trustee as it raises doubts in these testing times and could unnecessarily be considered as favouritism by this Trustee.

Let us not get fooled by rumours. Let us stay positive and let the Trustees serve the community – the very reason they were elected.