

dm-plihThe community is aware that the Managing Committee of Parsi Lying in Hospital (PLIH) had given Development Rights of around 1 lakh sq.ft. of a super speciality hospital to one Khubchandani, a partner of one of the vocal and influential managing committee member, for a measly sum of Rs. 1 to 1.5 crore lease rent per year for about 8 years and 5% of revenue thereafter without Public Notice but in a private deal by posing as Trustees of BPP.

After the Supreme Court gave a stay order in the SLP filed by Armaity Tirandaz and me against the proposal of the Trustees and Managing Committee, the said lessee Khubchandani immediately terminated the Lease Agreement in November 2015. Instead of starting afresh in 2015 by at least now issuing Public Notice calling for Offers from reputable health care institutions, the Trustees in connivance with the Managing Committee kept the matter pending incurring huge litigation costs to all concerned till it was dismissed by the Supreme Court in March 2017 as being infructuous.

Since then Noshir Dadrawalla had been requesting me to get the higher offers claimed by me and I had requested him to get the approval of the Board of Trustees and Managing Committee to his proposal to me to get better offers and I assured him that I would do so.

Alas that was not to be. Shockingly the Managing Committee have suddenly decided to get the defunct and dilapidated PLIH repaired and restored at huge financial liability. If it was capable of being repaired in the first place then why was it proposed to be leased out for 30+30 years to a private Developer at a throwaway price.

It is obvious that their fear of issuing a Public Notice would expose them if a high offer was received which was the governing principle that motivated this decision. Ten years back Architect had advised them that the structure was beyond economic repairs and yet they revert to this avenue to stop from being exposed.

I have been conversing with a plethora of doctors and others whether they would be willing to bear the cost of construction of two floors in exchange of which they would be allotted one floor for their personal use and the response was so positive that I am sure 10 doctors would come forward to construct a 20 storey hospital free of cost to the Trustees and 10 floors would be available free for community use and the whole property would continue to remain within the community.

Will the Trustees over-rule the Managing Committee and at least now do what is right for the community at large. It is my firm conviction that the property belongs to the BPP and the role of the Managing Committee has ceased long back. But the million dollar question is do the Trustees have the courage to take it over or succumb to the so called rights of the Managing Committee.

Yours sincerely,

Dinshaw Mehta

Published on Bombay Samachar