
Statement by Maneck Davar

imagesIt has been brought to my notice that a certain section of the community media has attributed the ownership of to me. I wish to clearly state that neither do I have any ownership stakes nor I am sponsoring this website in any manner. Trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet including Mr. Kersi Randeria and Mr. Noshir Dadrawala, have been informed by me, when they took objection to a report on the website during the last elections in which Ms. Armaity Tirandaz won over Ms. Arnawaz Mistry, that we are just service providers on a professional fee basis to, and it is one amongst the hundred odd clients of my company Spenta Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.

I had also explained to them that our relationship is akin to that of an independent printing press which prints a newspaper. The printing press is not responsible for the content in the newspaper, just as the service provider is not responsible for the contents of a website.

Having said this, I must commend the people behind for the excellent effort they are making to provide the community with news pertaining to it from around the world and giving it an alternate point of view.

Maneck Davar