
Government minister visits Europe’s only Zoroastrian place of worship in Harrow

Communities Minister Lord Bourne met religious leaders at eight places of worship across London – including Europe’s only Zoroastrian place of worship.

Thought to have been founded in Iran 3,500 years ago, Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s oldest religions.

The visit from Lord Bourne highlighted the area’s welcoming attitude to faith communities and celebrated the rich contribution they make to our neighbourhoods.

At the Zoroastrian Centre, on Alexandra Avenue, Lord Bourne was met by Malcolm Deboo, the president of the main Zoroastrian organisation in the UK.

“In London, we are greatly enriched by the diversity of faiths that call our city home,” said Lord Bourne.

“Within an hour you can visit places of worship representing our largest religions, through to our smaller faiths, all of whom play an integral part in communities.

“Throughout the year there are terrific events that bring all communities together like November’s Inter Faith Week, the Hindu inspired national Sewa Day, and the Muslim led Sadaqa Day.

“However you’ll find that London’s faith communities are open and welcoming 365 days a year.”

Lord Bourne’s series of visits followed the publication last week of the Government’s Hate Crime Action Plan. The plan reiterates the Government’s commitment to preventing and tackling all forms of hate crime.

Published on HarrowTimes