
Parsi Food Festival At Blu, Aauris : An Honest Experience

1After 15 days of holidaying out abroad, coming back to my country was a welcome change. What was more welcoming however, was getting an invitation to become a part of a respective set of the blogging community and attend a kind of food festival Kolkata has craved to savor.

The city of joy has been a melting pot of varied cultures . Look around and you’ll find a conglomeration of cuisines harmoniously blending in to perfection; creating a celebration of flavours in every Calcuttan’s mouth. And while the city only ends up raving about certain genres (like the Mughlai, the Dhakai or the Punjabi), it is Parsi cuisine that is the most underrated and the most flavorsome genre of them all. Over the past 1300 years ,Parsi cuisine has grown into a unique west coast Indian cuisine, still retaining flavors and techniques from ancient Persia, like a slice of history on your plate. My only tryst with this genre honestly has been in various outlets of a franchise called the SodaBottleOpenerWaala, or scores of Iranian bakeries or cafes in and around Mumbai and Pune. Very few are aware that Kolkata too has a small little place like Mancherji’s that serves a fair share of Parsi cuisine, however the city could do with a lot more.

Therefore, if I am given an opportunity to preview a Parsi food festival before it’s launch to the general public, I would be a fool to not jump the gun! Blu at the Aauris hotel has always been known to pioneer unique food festivals in the city – be it reciting food verses with a wonder brunch, or blend in Shakespeare with salads – conjuring up a food festival dedicated to the nitigrities of Parsi cuisine comes as no surprise at all.

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