
Parsis to adopt surrogacy to boost dwindling numbers

The Parsi community, which is battling ways to arrest its dwindling population, has decided to accept surrogacy. Dr Shernaz Cama, director of Parzor, a project to preserve the Parsi Zoroastrian heritage through ‘Jiyo Parsi’ scheme, confirmed that two Parsi women have agreed to become surrogate mothers.

Cama was speaking on the concluding day of the three-day Iranshah Udvada Utsava in this tiny coastal hamlet of Valsad district on Sunday.
As per the 2001 census, the Parsi population in India was around 69,104 which is estimated to have come down to 59,000 in 2011.

“While trying various options like providing medical support, IVF and advocacy for a child’s birth, we are now trying surrogacy as a method to deal with low birth rate in the community.Two women, both sisters, have agreed to become surrogate mothers,” Cama said.

The proposals for adoption of surrogacy has been debated among the religious leaders of the community for consideration. After much deliberations, the project is finally moving in right direction.

“Each couple who adopt modern medical methods for pregnancy will receive Rs 5 lakh assistance. We are targeting to birth of 200 children in next five years with medical assistance and that could be major achievement,” said Cama.

Published on Times of India