

We live in a country where movies release every Friday, and people flock around theatres to watch their favourite stars on the big screen. Expensive tickets, worthless item songs and ofcourse pointless story lines are a few disappointments. However, the next Friday brings back all the disappointed viewers to the theatres with a new hope and expectation.

Now, what we don’t realize is that on the same Friday weekend, a few plays are also put up. These plays appreciated only by a select audience, who love Theatre, THEATRE in the original meaning.

At WHITE HOUSE PRODUCTIONS, we aspire to put up a movie experience on stage. Whilst not ignoring the power of theatre. Basically, the best of both worlds.

“A good magic trick is the lie that tells you the truth”

In a world where magic is considered sublime and magicians are considered the seventh angels dropped out of the sky, come join us, as White House Productions takes you behind the enigmatic world of magic. As we take you behind a magic trick that changed the lives of everyone around it. Come witness “OBLIVION.” A story about a magician, a magic trick but most of all…a story about love.

Venue: Sophia Babha Hall, Peddar Road, Mumbai.
Date: 5th December
Time: 7pm
Prices: Rs. 500 | Rs. 300 | Rs. 200