After a gap of a few years, Kersi Deboo of Navsari was finally appointed on 24th November 2021 as Parsi member of the National Commission of Minorities based in New Delhi, which is a post akin to Minister of State for all rights and obligations.
We have now been informed that the Govt. of India has now appointed Kersi Deboo as Vice- Chairperson of the National Minority Commission as per Govt Notification dated 3rd June 2022 for the balance term of his three year tenure as Member of National Minority Commission.
Hearty Congratulations are due to Kersi Deboo for this double accolade from the Govt. of India. What a real Honor not only for Kersi Deboo but for the whole Parsi community. This is the time now for Federation of Parsi Zoroastrian Anjumans of India to consolidate the various Defunct Anjumans all over India including vast and valuable properties of Dokhmas, Agiaries, Sanatoriums and Daramshalas all over the country with not a single Parsi occupant left in those places to take advantage of these properties.
We give below the Govt Notification of Kersi Deboo’s elevation to the Vice- Chairman’s post:
This govt notification is sent separately to be reproduced here”

Source: Parsi Junction