

Q. What has made you seek to contest these elections and why as a team?

Ans: As you will see, over the last 2 years when in majority the two of us along with Mrs. Armaity Tirandaz have worked extremely well as a team. We have taken decisions which other Trustees did not like but for us these were in the interest of the community. We reduced service charges, we converted all leave and licenses to tenancies, we made transmissions of flats a role of the BPP staff rather than have the families come and meet with us and plead their case. There is a lot that needs to be done still and we know that we can work together as a team provided there is no interference from elements who don’t wish to see progress. We have other likeminded individuals like Maharukh Noble and Rumy Zarir who are also in the fray and we know that our ideologies on policy are aligned.

Q. The BPP has no funds. What steps are you going to take to change this?

Ans: We have a lot planned including the redevelopment projects of various buildings. However, all these projects will take time and require infusion of capital (which the BPP does not have). The previous majority Trustees thought it fit to stop the auctioning of high-value flats. This led to an absolute collapse of the finances at the BPP. The BPP came to the brink of bankruptcy and was struggling to pay salaries. We had no choice but to restart the auctioning of high value flats by which the BPP earned deposits and could enjoy the interest from the deposits. This has brought about some income into the BPP. The Godrej Baug ownership building has been stuck for years. If we have a like-minded board in place, we are certain that will get this project restarted within 12 monthsthrough which the BPP will be able to raise funds for welfare schemes.

Q. In the Parsi Times edition of May 7, 2022, your colleague Trustee Kersi Randeria has made several claims including the fact that he has secured donations for the BPP and hence there is no need for schemes such as Refundable Security Deposit and Encashment of Tenancy Rights

Ans: Kersi is a candidate and we wish him all the best. On policy, our team is not aligned to his views as we have seen him oppose them time and again. If he wishes to stake claim to the donors who came forward after seeing an ad in the newspapers then that is his prerogative. We want to work as a team, and not always talk about “I” or “me”. It was the Board that decided to put an ad in the paper asking for donations and subsequently acted on it in along with the donors.

We believe the beneficiary comes first. We feel all licensees need to be converted to tenancies so that there is no misuse or threat on the licensees from Trustees. We believe that due to lack of funds because of poor management, our beneficiaries should not be made to suffer. This move always helps the BPP reduce its liabilities. How anyone can find fault in that is beyond us.

We, including Mrs. Tirandaz, are certain of the fact that that we work well as a team. No one Trustee can do anything on the BPP Board. Every decision is taken by the Board after collective discussion and decision making. Hence for any person to make singular claims is actually insulting his colleague Trustees and attempting to make a fool of the community.

Q. If elected, what is your goal for the BPP?

When we contested last time around, we both made promises to the community whilst campaigning. We are proud to say that in a short span in majority we have fulfilled many of the those promises including – removal of service charges, conversion of leave and licenses to tenancy (this has been stayed because of the complaint made by Kersi Randeria but if elected we will most definitely ensure it is enforced), granting more power to Baug associations, stopping mindless litigation and legal expenses etc. The next 5 years will be crucial because we will have to play a fine line between community welfare and generating funds. We have to push for the completion of the Godrej Baug ownership building, Dhunbai Wadi & Navroze Baug redevelopement and at the same time reach out to more donors to take up projects to maintain and upkeep our assets. We have other projects in the pipeline for which we need like-minded individuals to come together and work together rather than stall and create hurdles.

Q. Finally, what is the one thing you would like to see changed in the community?

Ans: To be frank, the image of the community and the BPP have taken a beating. This has happened for no reason except because of the infighting within the BPP. Every time we make the effort to bring about change, our own Trustees ensure we are pulled down.

Today, people in our community are instilled with a sense of fear. Fear to speak against the Trustees as if they do, they will be targeted or removed from their homes. We need to bring about a change to this mindset! No beneficiaries must be targeted for any reason – no matter who the person may be. A Trustee must deal with issues objectively. They must make decisions based on facts and not emotions and past enmities.

We proudly state that we deal with each beneficiary with compassion. We do not threaten anyone. Every person has the freedom to criticize and share their point of view and we are entitled to share ours.

We respect our elders and try to serve them to the best of our ability. We wish to inculcate values of good thoughts good words and good deeds to our youth as they are our future.

We need unity within the Board. Today, we seek an opportunity to serve the community to bring about a change that is so badly needed and we hope we are able to serve the community to complete the unfinished commitments.

Source: Parsi Junction