Jiyo Parsi Friday Forum – The Parsi Settlement of Bharuch- A Historical Perspective

Friday, 19 November 2021 | 6-7 pm IST |
Jiyo Parsi Friday Forum *The Parsi Settlement of Bharuch- A Historical Perspective* with Dr. Meher Mistry, Assistant Professor, Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala CollegeBharuch, one of the first Parsi settlements on the western coast of India, has been relatively unexplored in Parsi studies.
Dr Mistry explores the nuances of this flourishing port town that saw a migration of Parsis at least prior to 955 A.D through archaeological evidences of ruins of an old brick tower of silence at Kali Talavdi, the oral tradition passed in the Kamdin priestly family, and from accounts of scribes like Rustom Mihirapan from Iran. Dr. Mistry will take the audience through the Rivayat literature, accounts of travellers like W. Geleynssen de Jongh and English Factory Records that help in reconstructing a socio-economic history of this settlement.
The presentation also looks at the Kabiseh controversy (calendar controversy) which was indirectly connected with the capture of Bharuch by the English in 1773 A.D.
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