Jiyo Parsi Friday Forum: Initiation with Integrity: The Zoroastrian Priests Navaria
The Navar ceremony is an initiation ceremony for boys aged 10-14 from the Athornan families (the priestly class) into the priesthood. They undergo a 2 x 10 Day Bareshnum Nahaan / Seclusion for ritual self-purification and then perform the Yasna ceremony for 4 days to complete their initiation.
Join us as young initiates relate their personal experiences and journey of entering the Zoroastrian Priesthood.
The Maratab ceremony is the second initiation that allows a Navar initiate to perform all the higher liturgical ceremonies, Ervad Zerick Dastur a well known lawyer and a recent Maratab narrates his experiences on completing this training and his future goals.
Friday, 11 June, 6-7 PM IST
Join us on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9902526711?pwd=bmJKbnFhV2NBdTJ3NFJlalNoSUtTdz09
Meeting ID: 990 252 6711
Passcode: jiyoparsi