

The Covid times seem to continue without any end in sight. We are facing one lockdown after another and movement anywhere in the city is also restricted.

At such times even an emergency or regular visit to the doctor has to be planned or postponed indefinitely. Jiyo Parsi decided to do something about this and thought of bringing the doctor home to the general public.

The idea for the need of such a session came up when Jiyo Parsi was talking about one of the doctors who had approached us and planted this seed.

Jiyo Parsi was doing the round of visiting doctors in Gujarat, Pune and Mumbai, and one of the doctors floated this idea saying that most people are too scared to visit hospitals and consulting rooms and she wanted to do something online for Parsi women and men. Since the world has not opened up to any mass meetings, this was thought as a good idea as we can reach out to a wider audience from all over India.

Couples, who have made a decision of expanding their family or are in the process of doing so and wanted to consult a medical practitioner, will now rest easy as this online advocacy program does exactly that.

Jiyo Parsi brings to the masses, a program, which will take care of all the planning and execution of having a child. All the doubts, concerns and issues that plague the uninitiated, will be answered by a panel of doctors who will come and speak to them.

This panel will consist of 3 doctors, Dr. Rita Modi, IVF Specialist, Dr. Parzan Mistry, IVF Specialist/Gynecologist and Dr. Shiraz Havewala-Vazifdar , Obstetrician/ Gynecologist. They will take up a short session, depending on the topic at hand, and then, open the floor for questions from the audience.

To ensure confidentiality, the questions will be sent to the 2 counselors of the Jiyo Parsi Team and they will in turn ask them to the Doctors. The audience can also send in queries/issues/clarifications to us on our email id.

Plans are afoot to set this ball rolling on Saturday, June 19th 2021. The session will be held every 3rd Saturday of the month and the audience will be invited to send in their suggestions or topics which they would like the doctors to deal with.

To start off with, we invite the audience to please send us their concerns and queries and also let us know what topics they would like us to focus on.

Do write in to us at jiyoparsi151@gmail. com. You can also send in questions on our cell phones…Pearl Mistry- 98222 91743 and Shamla Anand -99670 37697

Meeting iD – 9902526711

Passcode: jiyoparsi

Source: Parsi Junction 6th June issue