
Congratulations to the New Chairman of the BPP – Mrs. Armaity Rustom Tirandaz

*Congratulations to the New Chairman of the BPP – Mrs. Armaity Rustom Tirandaz*
Tuesday, Dec 29, 2020
Earlier today at a specially convened Board meeting, the BPP Board of Trustees accepted the resignation of Mr. Yazdi Desai, submitted to the Trust last week due to health reasons.
With Mr. Desai’s departure, Mrs. Tirandaz is now the senior-most Trustee of the BPP.
Subsequently, Mrs. Armaity Rustom Tirandaz was *unanimously* elected by her colleagues as the new Chairman of the BPP.
We wish Mrs. Tirandaz all the success in her new role as Chairman of the BPP.
The last woman Chairman of the BPP was Lady Hirabai Cowasjee Jehangir in 1974.