
Parsis stay together in a virtual group to stay safe

The Parsi community— 238 of the 400-odd members are well over 60 and 74 of them beyond 80—is doing everything to ensure everyone’s safety as much as possible.

As the lockdown started, the entire community was brought together on a virtual group by the 156-year-old trust, Calcutta Zoroastrian Communities Religious and Charitable Fund, and the 112-year-old Calcutta Parsee Club. Messages start pouring in early in the morning and ends with performances at night, keeping everyone busy, involved and happy. The community has lost five of its members in the past few months, but only one of them had Covid. “We have a caregivers’ group, a team of relatively young people, who make sure that household essentials to medicines, seniors and anyone else in need get everything at their doorsteps. Another group is dedicated to cultural performances and events,” said Cyrus Madan, trustee.

When Roshni Tankariwala teaches how to pickle prawns on the screen, she forgets she is over 70. She faces her audience like an ace cook, describing the process step by step. Several others, such as Roda Bulsars, have started cooking sessions.

The evenings are for plays, music, quiz and debates. Ninety-nine shows behind them, the members are preparing for the 100th show on Sunday, when Parsee Club’s AGM will be held virtually. “There are performances galore. Yezdi Karai, who has played competitive hockey, football, cricket and tennis, is holding a chat show, where he is bringing yesteryear players from the community,” said Prochy Mehta, spokesperson for CPC.

Among those in their 80s who have been acting are Dina Ardeshir, Jer Jila, Noshir Tankariwala and Bahadur Postwala. “For Navroz, our dramatics club will stage a play online;” said Behnaz Dugar, entertainment secretary of the club.

Fitness is a must and everyone gathers in front of the screen for fitness trainer Davo. Talks by the head priest from Udwada are organised. Last but not the least, are interviews of Gavaskar, Arun Lal, Leander Paes, Bhaichung Bhutia.

Published on Times of India