
Management learning from Zoroastrianism | Adil Malia | TEDxIESMCRC

Adil narrates the experience of Zoroastrians fleeing Persia and how we can learn valuable management lessons from their journey from Persia to India and their subsequent growth in India.

Adil is a Human Resources professional with versatile experience in domains of People Management, Change Management and Leadership, Adil has worked in Senior Management and Board roles in diverse industries like Manufacturing, Services, FMCG, Infrastructure and Retail. Passionate about People, he is a voracious reader, am fond of poetry & music, indulge in humorous doodling, calligraphy and love public speaking.

Being an Appreciative Coach, he believes in ‘no fun, no learn’. He has coached several top CEOs till now.

Began at 19 as a Legal Assistant and has reached now the top management echelons. A Human Resources professional with versatile experience in domains of People Management, Change Management and Leadership, Adil has worked in Senior Management and Board roles in diverse industries like Manufacturing, Services, FMCG, Infrastructure and Retail.

Passionate about People, he is a voracious reader, am fond of poetry & music, indulge in humorous doodling, calligraphy and love public speaking.

Being an Appreciative Coach, he believes in … ‘no fun, no learn’. He has coached several top CEOs till now.

Published on TEDx Talks