
Calling All Parsi Artistes

A talent show is inviting members of the little but animated community to get up on stage

(Top, from left) Sam Kerawalla, Ruby and Burjor Patel; (Below, from left) Hoshang Gotla, Meher Marfatia, Jasmin Siganporia, Jim Vimadalal and Shernaz Patel
(Top, from left) Sam Kerawalla, Ruby and Burjor Patel; (Below, from left) Hoshang Gotla, Meher Marfatia, Jasmin Siganporia, Jim Vimadalal and Shernaz Patel

Look around at events in the city and chances are that you will find a Parsi or two, in every art community. From theatre practitioners to dancers and musicians, the small but significantly arts-inclined community has steadily made its mark across the cultural landscape of Mumbai. Now, they are looking for more talent within.

The last time they got together for a similar effort was four years ago, during Drame Bawas, an attempt to bring fresh talent to the city stage. “Initially, we wanted to hold a competition for one-act plays. But, we realised that the community is active in music and dance too, why limit it to theatre?” says actor and producer Shernaz Patel of the genesis of the first talent show.

Named Bawas Got Talent, this is a celebration of talent in the community more than a competition that pits one against another, thinks Patel. “We are inviting entries from theatre, dance, music and stand-up comedy. Both solo and group performances are welcome,” she says. There is also no age limit and you can enter in any of the following groups — under 15, 16 to 25, 26 to 40 and 60-plus.

Winners of Drame Bawas
Winners of Drame Bawas

The shortlist from the entries received will be announced in April. The finalists will be mentored by professionals in the industry. “The mentorship programme will include successful professionals from their fields. Amateur artistes rarely get such opportunities,” she tells us.

The winner will receive a prize too. Patel believes that talent can emerge from all quarters. “Even a bathroom singer or someone who dances at parties is welcome”.

Till February 1 (call for entries).
CALL 9820683398

Published on Mid Day