18th Vada Dasturji Meherjirana Appointed
The uthamna ceremony of the late Vada Dasturji Kaikhushru Navroji Dastoor Meherjirana was held at the Mody Hall of the Navsari Atash Behram on Roz Daepdin Mah Dae Y.Z. 1388, Wednesday 5th June 2019. 15 priests including Vada Dasturji Khurshed Kekobad Dastoor of Udwada, Ervad Aspandiar Dadachanji, Ervad Dr. Pervez Bajan participated. Mr. Yazdi Desai, BPP chairman, Dinshaw Tamboly, chairman,WZO Trust Funds, Anahita Desai, CEO of WAPIZ graced the occasion by their presence. The hall was packed to capacity by devotees.
As per tradition the successor to the Meherjirana gaadi was announced after the uthamna. Ervad Kaikhushru Cowasji Ravji aged 74, a yozdathregar mobed was anointed as the 18th heir to the Meherjirana gaadi (ecclesiastical seat) by the Bhagarsath Anjuman of Navsari. Ervad Mehernosh Sorabji Madan read out his impressive biodata. The first shawl was presented to him by Ervad Khurshed Homi Desai, the Vada Desaiji of Navsari. 29 shawls were presented to the new Vada
Dasturji Saheb by leaders of various Parsi institutions of Navsari and other dignitaries.

Vada Dasturji Keki Ravji was born on 8th October 1944 at Navsari. He is a descendant of Kaka Pahlan Pol. He was ordained as a navar and maratab at the Vadi Daremeher at Navsari. He received mobedi training at the Dadar Athornan Madressa and M. F. Cama Athornan Institute at Andheri. He served as a boewalla saheb at Navsari Atash Behram for 19 years. He served the Malesar Behdin Anjuman Agiary along with his father Ervad Cowasji Ravji. He has served as the Panthaki Saheb of Cama Baug Agiary at Grant Road, Mumbai since 1987. He has performed 68 nirangdin ceremonies (of which 44 were at Navsari), 5,000 ijashnes and 3,000 Vendidad ceremonies. He has consecrated two varasyajis (the sacred white bull) and also consecrated the gumbad of Navsari Atash Behram. He has recorded the entire Avesta prayers in a recording studio. These are available on a pen drive for the benefit of the Parsi Zoroastrian community.
Vada Dasturji Ravji is a family man. He is married to Roshan and both his sons Ervads Farzad and Ervad Hormuz are also practicing priests. They all work as a wonderful team in managing the agiary.
Vada Dasturji Ravji thanked the Bhagarsath Anjuman and all humdins for the honour done to him. He said a Dastur’s rank is next to that of our prophet Zarathushtra. A Dastur is expected to provide leadership to the Parsi Zoroastrian community. May the late Vada Dasturji K N D Meherjirana’s soul attain garothman behest and continue to shower his blessings on our community. The function ended with a humbandagi led by the new Vada Dasturji.