

By Homee Dalal

bpp_logo-1It is distressing and disturbing to read a so called IMPORTANT NOTICE appearing in both the community weeklies (PT & JJ), informing the community that Chairman of BPP, WAPIZ Mr. Yazdi Desai would sit in the Wapiz office at Dhobi Talao on every 2nd & 4th Saturday to listen to different grievances of community members.

In all fairness it appears to be a good move but there are some doubts to be cleared behind the action of our BPP Chairman. I request entire board of trustees to answer the following few straight, pointed questions since the community needs to be apprised:-

1) The community needs to be informed the reasons why office of the WAPIZ is preferred by Mr. Yazdi Desai over BPP office? I am sure that BPP office is more spacious than Wapiz Office.

2) The community needs to be informed to know why only Chairman Yazdi Desai would hear the plaints of community members to the exclusion of other BPP Board members. Is Mr. Desai trying to prove that he alone is only concerned and other six trustees can be bypassed?

3) The community needs to be informed if this move was discussed & approved by the entire board? It is doubtful that any other trustees knew about such move by the chairman. It is also doubtful that entire board of gave such sanction.

4) Entire community knows that Wapiz CEO is Mrs. Anahita Desai who was rejected twice by the community for the trusteeship of BPP. This is like surrogate control of BPP.

5) The community wants to know what is the guarantee that Mrs. Desai will NOT be present, as secretary, PA or as wife of Mr. Desai along with her husband to meet the complainants. It appears that after her defeat, she cannot interfere in affairs of BPP at the BPP ‘s office, so Wapiz office is preferred so no one could object to her her presence / interference.

6) The community needs to know how many sitting BPP trustees are members of WAPIZ?

7) The community needs to know why other trustees are not interested in listening to problems of the community problems.

8) It is astonishing why the remaining OTHER TRUSTEES ARE SILENT ON THE ISSUE of being bypassed.?

The remaining Trustees need to inform the community why the day of Board Meeting cannot be shifted to Saturdays instead of Tuesdays, so that all can contribute their collective wisdom in addressing the problems of the community.

If I recollect, it was in 2015 that Mr.Yazdi Desai has stated that he was due to retire shortly from Writer Corporation in a couple of years and that he would devote full time to BPP.

The present move seems to be to start re election campaign for 2022 for Mr. Yazdi Desai. In fact, Mrs Anahita Desai would not have lost a second time in 2018, had her husband tendered his resignation from BPP Board.

Homi Dalal

CC To The Editors of
Parsi Times
Jame Jamshed
With the request to publish this letter