
The J. N. Petit Reading Room and Library

The J. N. Petit Reading Room and Library situated in the quiet leafy lanes of the Dadar Parsi Colony is one of its oldest institutions. Situated on the ground floor close to the gymkhana and the renowned five gardens of the area; it is a meeting point for many residents. Though situated in the Dadar Parsi Colony, its membership is not limited to the colony residents ; it offers membership to all Parsi Zoroastrans at extremely nominal rates. Dilnavaz Mehta, the library’s secretary rues the fact that in the past the library boasted of members who came from far of areas such as Tardeo and Byculla too and not just the surrounding areas of Lalbaug, Parel , Mahim and Wadala.

The library has a vast stock of books – fiction and non fiction books, educational and historical publications, comics, magazines and periodicals in the Gujrati and English languages which can be taken home to read or be read at the library.

While it periodically purchases books, magazines and other publications to add to its stock, books and other reading material donations from the community are most welcome too.

The library is run with the active participation of the committed board of trustees .

The library does not receive any grant and any work including the day to day running of the library is done with the amounts received from membership fees and the munificence of donors.

The library is pleased to receive any amount by way of donation and the trustees hope that new donors will come forth to support and aid in the survival of this institution which is an excellent affordable facility for the young and old members of the Parsi Zoroastrian community.

The library’s financial position has been improving slowly but steadily. However much remains to be done as yet to ensure that the future generations can avail the resources of the library.
The board of trustees seek your support in ensuring the survival of this worthy institution by enrolling as members or by way of donations.

Membership details: The library offers two types of memberships:

1) Ordinary or annual membership for Rs:850
2) Life time membership for Rs: 6,000

The membership begins from the time the fees are paid.
It is an individual membership and not a family membership

Library Timings: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
(Monday to Saturday)
Sunday: 9 a.m to 12:30 p.m.

Cheque towards membership or donations to be made in the name of “J.N. Petit Reading Room and Library

Contact : Email:
Or whatsapp/ sms to : +919820222062