
Voting for Arish Bhiwandiwala

stage-arish-new192213*HOW TO VOTE

1… *Website Voting: ( very fast ONLY 2 MINUTES FOR 100 VOTES )*

a) click on the link
b) Then click “Vote for Artists”
c) Then click VOTE NOW below pic of Arish
d) Then click CONTINUE WITH GOOGLE and *log on* to yr g-mail account
e) Your 1 vote would be registered and click OK.
f) Again click VOTE NOW for Arish and repeat this process till the system flashes that your voting is complete and you get a *Cool Dude*… message.
g) To use another email id you need to log out of earlier and log in to the new g-mail id.


2…. *By giving 50 ( fifty ) missed calls on* *18001235802* (preferably from all phones in your house)

You can call Noshir Bhiwandiwala for clarification on 9820854929.