In Iran, archaeologists have unearthed a Zoroastrian “tower of silence”
Throughout the country there are several similar towers.
In Iran, archaeologists have discovered the ruins of a Zoroastrian “tower of silence”.
“These studies will allow us to better understand the Zoroastrian funeral rites,” — said the head of the archaeological expedition Mehdi Rahbar.
He said that studies show that each of the rooms served as a Church where the bones were stacked in two or three layers and covered with soft soil.
A large number of bones found showed that the Zoroastrians were widely inhabited this area in the era of Ilkhanids.
It is believed that Zoroastrians placed the dead body in the round towers at the highest point away from the city.
In Iran, preserved a few ancient abandoned “towers of silence”, the researchers say.
“Towers of silence” — the name of the Zoroastrian funerary complexes: they look like massive towers crowning the hills in the desert.