
Parsi community wants its people to have more babies to check declining population

The Parzor foundation along with Madison, which is private company, is counseling young Parsi couples to get married at young age and with proper family planning, get early babies.

The Parsi community, which has been witnessing a decline in its population in India, is asking its people to have more babies. The Parzor foundation along with Madison, which is private company, is counseling young Parsi couples to get married at young age and with proper family planning, have babies at an early age.

At proper age, the couples in the community should get married and get babies soon. This was the motto of Jiyo Parsi event held in Mumbai. Prominent people from the community were present along with Ministry of Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

Parsi community leaders say that while other communities in India are expanding, Parsis are on the verge of extinction. According to the census taken in 2011, there are only 57,264 Parsis in India.

Jiyo Parsi Scehem was initiated to reverse the decline in the Parsi population by adopting scientific medical protocols and structured interventions, to stabilize and increase the population of Parsi in India. Several Parsi organisations and many reputed doctors across India are working to spread awareness on the sociological, psychological and medical issues which have led to critical decline in the numbers. Through the initiative, 101 babies have been born from September 2013 till date.

Sam Balsara, chairman and managing director of Madison, said, “Jiyo Parsi is awareness campaign for the community. Every year Parsi population is going down. With the initiative, we are encouraging young Parsi couples to marry at right time and have more babies. Also, couples, who are married should, do proper family planning and have babies. Few people think of marrying late, but when they get old, their marriages don’t happen, they feel alone, therefore community people should get married early and have happy family.”

Abbas Naqvi, Minister of Minority Affairs, said, “Our government looks after all the communities. However, when we look at the population of Parsi community, the condition is pretty bad. Therefore, our government for the better future of the Parsi community will help them in every possible ways. We will give them financial support, to make add films etc. The message should be spread amongst the the whole community.”

Parizad Kolah, actress, anchor and prominent face of the community, said, “With the Jiyo Parsi event, we are spreading awareness amongst the community. We are making them understand how bad the condition of Parsi community is in term of population. At proper age people should get married and have proper family planning.

Going through the Census report and facts, it is true that the community population is fast decreasing due to several reasons. However, the community leaders are trying hard to preserve the beautiful Parsi community and will take the initiative to next level in the coming months by various innovative ideas.

Published on India Today