Dadar Parsi Colony sees red over BMC’s road-widening plan
Mumbai: Residents of Parsi Colony in Dadar are opposed to the BMC’s plan to widen a few roads within the heritage precinct. Residents fear that the road widening would reduce the green cover in the area as most of the roads encircle open spaces.
At a recent Mumbai Heritage Conservation Committee (MHCC) meeting, the BMC had tabled a proposal to widen roads in Dadar Parsi Colony that are less than 9m. These roads encircle gardens, including Rustom Tirandaz Garden, Wadala Garden and Wadia Park, located near the Macherji Edulji Joshi statue.
Upset residents said this kind of development was uncalled for as they do not have a problem with the existing road width.
Zarine Engineer of the Macherji Edalji Joshi Residents Association said they have met the local ward officials to discuss the issue as they are concerned about losing the green cover. The residents have also launched a signature campaign objecting to the municipal body’s proposal.
Silloo Marker, a resident of Parsi Colony, said, “Our worry is that trees will be destroyed if they have to cut into these gardens to widen the roads.”
Nikhil Desai, another resident, said they have already raised their concerns in a letter to the municipal commissioner and heritage committee chairman and have sought an appointment with them.
An MHCC official said the BMC had approached them with schematic plans for widening the roads, but considering the possible loss of green cover, they have now sought a detailed plan. “We also checked with the BMC if a traffic study had been done,” added the MHCC official.