
Watch this Parsi boy rap in Gujarati as he hilariously complains about a good day gone bad

The Bawa Rap takes the viewer into the world of (almost) all things Parsi.


This 21-year-old Parsi boy has 99 problems but having his head in the clouds isn’t one of them. He looks forward to spending more time with his friends and his girlfriend. But then comes a day which refuses to be good to him.

What may sound like a dry, ranting session, the Bawa Rap turns the narration in to a funny rap. In Gujarati. But language shouldn’t be a problem, for the mash up of videos and stop-motion images have a story in itself.

Within two minutes, the Bawa Rap informs the audience that Parsis take their food and leisure very seriously, and family gatherings are a must. But a light conversation always wins the day, insists Yohan Marshall, who plays the role of the confused Parsi boy in the music video. Marshall, who is a Parsi himself from Ahmedabad, is the drummer and vocalist of the band The Family Cheese.

Marshall told, “We wanted to keep the tone light and funny, because we as Parsis are very open to humour. We’re happy that as an indi-band we were able to give more space to the Parsi identity, which is very limited to a few dialogues in mainstream Bollywood movies.”

It’s difficult to ignore the food when Marshall is seen eating a traditional breakfast of sali par eddu – chips with eggs along with sliced onion and chicken. If there’s a lesson from the video, it’s this: when life gives you lemons, why not squeeze it on some sali par eddu and enjoy the breakfast?

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