
Jalls Film Needs Your Support

jallHi everyone!

In a few days, my immensely talented brother Jall will be directing a short film that he is deeply passionate about. It’s called “Man of The House”, and it tells the story of a young father warring against his insubordinate child, of their striking similarities, damaged egos, and unspoken love. It unveils the drama, comedy, and ultimate tragedy of a family that cannot co-exist without compromise. Though a work of fiction, the film feels incredibly real to us because it lives in the world of our youth, taking Jall (and an entire cast and crew) back to the home where he first picked up a camera. This feels very emotional, like coming full circle.

Unfortunately, it’s just one of those facts of life that filmmaking is an expensive art form. Thus, Jall is here to ask for your support in raising funds for the film and in spreading the campaign. Please take a moment to watch the campaign video:


If you wish to make a contribution, visit the campaign page: and hit “Back It”, after which you may enter an amount and your payment details. It’s all very secure. Plus, there’s a series of wonderful perks for contributors, including special credits and original DVDs.

Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all of this.

Take care,


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