
Joh Bawa interview of Eric

All About Joh-Bawa
ericERIC ANKLESARIA, Promoter and Supporter of Joh-Bawa, which is run by a young team, gives his views regarding the newly founded community portal
Eric Anklesaria is Partner with the Management Consulting Practice of KPMG in India. He is focused on serving financial services clients both in the domestic and global markets. Eric has been part of various high level commit-tees set up by the Ministry of Finance. He has also been involved in community events and affairs and supports Joh

Q.Last week your team was reportedly ridiculed for not delivering certain voting certificates on time. Have you taken on more than you can chew?
A:I think our young team is doing a great job. Note that they are all youngsters who are dedicating their time and effort for the com-munity more than most elders. It’s easy to make false statements. However, not many know the logis-tical nightmare it is for these boys and girls who go to Goregaon and Malad only to find no one is there to collect the certificate and hence return home. Our team is always accessible and we have spoken to everyone whose certificates have still not been delivered. We assure you that most certificates will be given this month. I would like to add that it’s really sad that service of this kind has received negative publicity.

Q.What is the event lined up at Pa la m-kote Hall? You have blocked all the main dates and some claim that’s a strategy to stop others from coming to Dadar?
A:That is most ridiculous proposition. We booked Palamkote Hall only to ensure that all candidates have an equal chance to present their candidacy and no preference is given to anyone. If any candidate wishes to speak in
Dadar on those dates they are welcome to use the platform, free of cost. I think the idea is fantastic. Imagine coming and hearing candidates, some of whom who cannot afford to book halls. Everyone gets a chance to ask questions. Candidates who aren’t up to the task may/may not want to come, that’s their prerogative. There’s a huge conflict of interest between certain candidates and the use of the media, which is not disclosed. Certain candidates have unlimited supply to space in the Saturday press. Other candidates don’t share the same privileges in comparison to the owner who is a candidate and his panel members. We are here to provide a level play-ing field and nothing more.

Q.What is your motivation for sup-porting a youth portal like Joh Bawa?
A:I have been involved with various Parsi organizations and have sponsored events across Mumbai including the May Queen Ball. I too have been a little disgruntled with the recent loss of face our community has suffered due to politics and I found this my way to make things right.

Q.What has the response to Joh Bawa been?
A:Touch wood, the response has been
fantastic. People from all across Mumbai have been flocking to us with comments, good wishes and are thankful of our direct clean way of reporting facts. We already have over 2,000 likes on Facebook, which is constantly growing.

Q.What role do you think the youth of the community can play in taking our legacy of Parsipanu ahead? A:I firmly believe the future is all about the youth. We have left the reigns of our community in the hands of our elders and see where that has gotten us today. It’s time the new-generation, which is more learned, practical and hard-work-ing, takes over

Q. Should the youth have a political voice and partake in the political process?
A: The youth are the voice of our future. And if they need to take part in the political process to carve the path to our future then so be it. Let’s hope Parsi politics doesn’t destroy our youth, the way it has destroyed our institutions.

Q. How do you view the future of the community?
A: There is light at the end of the tunnel and I can see it; the only thing is that the tunnel is a long one, which we will have to tread through very slowly and cau-tiously

Q. Do you have any political aspira-tions of your own?
A: Absolutely not. I do this out of passion for our lovely community. Nothing more nothing less.

Q. What do you think ails or hold back the Parsi youth?
A: Lack of leadership is to blame. Apart from a handful of vision-aries, most of our elders have shamed us. Walk the talk and the youth will follow. Give them some-one to look up to and the youth will excel like we have never before.

Q. Will Joh-Bawa sustain its momen-tum or will it fade away after the elections?
A: My team and I are here to stay so this momentum will most definitely continue. We are an online portal today and with the right team we could be the next big thing.

Q.Who comprises the Joh-Bawa team?
A: Kayzad Kuka and Farzan Shroff are spearheading this platform. We’re undoubtedly looking for fresh talent as well.

Q.How would you, as a younger pro-fessional person, like to see the BPP function?
A:I wish, hope and pray for unity in our community and in our BPP. This will help the BPP function honestly and for the good of its beneficiaries.