Dear Sirs, One is happy to read in your Issue no. 141 of July 24, 2022 that the BPP Trustees have accepted an offer by a resident of Khareghat Colony to allow the installation of a lift for use by a senior resident of the building. It is heartening to note that this senior resident has also offered to pay for the repairs of that building.
In your comments, you have suggested that “ that occupants of second, third and fourth floor of all colonies like Cusrow Baug, Rustom Baug should come together and construct a lift for their personal use as it will be free of FSI and the Trustees will give their NOC without any charges. Further such lift facility will increase the value of their flats and if ever a situation arises to encash the Tenancy value of their flat, the resident is bound to receive much more than what he had spent to install the lift.”
For the long term, your suggestion certainly deserves active consideration as this proposal will benefit the tenants and the Trust. However, it may not be feasible in all cases especially when it comes to the issue of getting all or at least the majority of residents of a building to agree to such a proposal. One also has to bear in mind the high cost of installation and maintenance as also required infrastructure for a lift and securing various permissions from different authorities.
Meanwhile as an interim relief for all those senior PHIROZE AMROLIWALLA RECOMMENDS LIFT ALTERNATIVE citizens, the undersigned is informed of an ingenious motorised device for vertical transportation which is portable and easy to operate and which can bring instant relief to multiple beneficiaries at minimal expense.
In keeping with the philosophy of the Parsi Junction to help our community brethren, may I venture to suggest that a Parsi entrepreneur couple, Jasmine and Jamshed Dalal, have recently introduced this concept which assists in vertical and perhaps even horizontal transportation and appropriately named SEEDEE. A picture of the equipment and other details is attached and which is self-explanatory for the benefit of all readers of Parsi Junction. The entrepreneurs will be happy to provide free demonstrations to those interested.
Phiroze Amroliwalla
Seedee Website: Click Here
Source: Parsi Junction