

Pursuant to the vociferous demands of the orthodox sections of our community to avoid cremation of Parsi covid ravaans but to give them our time tested and approved mode of disposal of Parsi/Irani ravaans by Dokhmenashini and the Supreme Court approval of the same with certain guidelines, the Banaji Dokhma which was lying unused for several decades was restored as per guidelines of the Supreme Court at a cost of Rs. 5-6 lakhs, paid as a donation by one of the Trustees, and with the co-operation of the Union and the Khandiyas (pall bearers), the first covid ravaan was consigned on Saturday 18th june 2022 under Dokhmenashini.

We congratulated the bpp for ensuring that henceforth every Parsi/Irani covid victim is consigned to the Towers of Silence. Surprisingly the so-called ultra-orthodox community members and groups like the Parsi Voice, TZML, PIPZ and others have not yet congratulated the new board for this very first non-cremation of a Parsi covid victim.

The lady expired on the 18th of June due to Covid. Her Ravaan was brought to the Doongerwadi in a Covid ambulance and taken straight up to the Banaji Dokhma and placed on the ‘Last Salutation Slab.’

Following the prescribed SOPS, the body was handled by four Pall Bearers present in complete PPE kit worn over their Khand Uniform.

The family members were seated in a designated area over fifteen feet away. The two priests that did the Geh Sarna ceremony were distanced over fifteen feet as well.

After the Geh Sarna prayers were over, the four Pall Bearers took the ravaan inside the Banaji Dokhma. After coming out the PPE kits were removed and the same along with the body bag were placed in bins for disposal. A big thank you to the Doongerwadi managed Mr. Vistaspar Mehta as well as his deputy, Mr. ArzanPatel for their efforts to ensure that the families were treated well and the prescribed SOPs were followed. Thank you to Trustee Viraf Mehta who was also present during this time to ensure everything went smoothly.

Source: Parsi Junction