Rumy Zarir has been actively involved in community affairs and welfare since years. He has always been very modest and humble in his approach. It’s time we must regard his outstanding efforts made towards our community.
Thoothi Agiary is one of the most beautiful Agiary situated on a very attractive location facing the Arabian Ocean. It’s a lovely, spacious and serene Agiary where one can pray peacefully.
In the year 2017 Toothi Agiary was in trouble. The adjoining society started encroaching on our Agiary premises in various ways. They started with encroaching on our parking space outside the Agiary, with the result our humdeens were not getting car parking when they came for prayers. But this was just the beginning. They started tiling the ground belonging to us at their expense. Things did not stop there they also constructed a security cabin and a sliding gate right at the entrance of the compound.
All this was done with an ulterior motive to slowly start claiming the land belonging to our community on the pretext of making so many expenses to refurbish and modernize the land.
Whatsapp messages had started spreading on this matter and as soon as Rumy Zarir heard that our property is in danger, he sprung into action. It did not sit well with him to know that our community land is in trouble. He approached the Panthaki of the Agiary- Late Percy Bhadha who in turn introduced Rumy to the Managing Trustee- Mrs. Aramaity B. Vachha . Rumy got to know all the details from her then and decided to go all out to help sort this issue.
He quotes that “ just because we are a quiet community doesn’t mean we are cowards too. When the time comes we can, and we will fight till the end to protect and preserve what is ours. “ That is exactly what he did.
Rumy Zarir immediately approached the BMC ‘D’ ward, as he thought it very necessary to take prompt action. He did not rest till action was taken and he got the illegal security cabin and piling work of the sliding gate demolished which was built on our premise and also remove the tiles afixed by them on the grounds covering our parking area. This was done at the expense of the encroaching society.
Most of you may not know that right outside Thoothi Agiary on the main road was a newspaper stand for the general public. This stand was misused during nighttime and in the morning, there would be liquor bottles strewn in our Agiary compound. This was causing another kind of nuisance to the Agiary premises. Rumy Zarir got this stand also removed hence putting an end to the nuisance.
Our dear community members should know that it was not an easy task to demolish the illegal construction. It takes great courage to completely demolish the illegal structures and reclaim our property in its original state again. All this effort taken by Rumy Zarir was commendable. Despite all the hurdles and lots of pressurizing tactics Rumy Zarir stood his ground in claiming what was belonging to his community.
You all will be happy to know that our car parking spaces are also secured now, thanks to Rumy Zarir we can freely park our cars while we pray.
Our Agiary compound had no boundary wall and hence a new fencing was required, after urging the BMC and several follow-ups with them, Rumy managed to get permission to build a fence bifurcating the Agiary compound and the main road.
In the pictures below one can easily tell how much illegal encroachment had taken place.

RUMY ZARIR has given selfless and dedicated service to the community members by shielding our properties and land since decades.
You must also know this very important fact that Rumy Zarir is not doing this to showcase his good work to the community members during election time but he has been doing commendable community service ever since, and will continue to do so.
Edawalla Agiary is situated at Marine Lines in South Mumbai.
In 2018 the BMC ‘C’ Ward passed an order to build a public toilet which was touching our Agiary’s exterior wall.
A gentleman – Mr. Cyrus Behram Irani (residing at Grant Road) got to know about the BMC order and he approached Rumy Zarir with this issue. This was a matter or grave concern and they (Cyrus Behram Irani & Rumy Zarir) immediately agreed to help save our Fire Temple property.
Rumy Zarir and Cyrus Behram Irani represented the community and argued that the toilet next to the fire Temple will affect the sentiments of the Humdeens who come to worship the sacred fire.

In January 2019, the order was cancelled and they ensured that the toilet was never constructed.
We want to thank him for all the efforts taken in preserving and protecting the rights of our small but yet striking community.
Vote for Candidate No 11 – RUMY ZARIR
Source: Parsi Junction