

Others will make promises which will mostly be difficult to fulfill. However, if elected I have a point agenda. To deal with the affairs of the BPP in complete transparency.

  • Minutes of the Meeting: There is no reason why minutes of every board meeting should not be made public for their review and scrutiny. A charitable trust should have nothing to hide and hence all minutes of the meeting should be made public. Let the community openly see for themselves the discussion and objections raised by Trustees and the rationale behind such decisions.
  • Merit Rating Scheme: The much-famed merit rating scheme (which needs a revamp) should be made available online so that everyone can see what rank they stand on the list. This will ensure there are no out-of-turn or special allotments to friends and family and every allotment is as per the Scheme.
  • Books of accounts: whilst the books of the accounts of the BPP are audited and made available at the office of the BPP, the BPP should also publish its account statements online on its website so that the community knows the income earned vs expenses incurred.
  • BPP Website: A comprehensive website for the BPP should be created which contains all vital information including the contact details of all the Trustees and senior management of the Trust.
  • Anjuman Meeting: There needs to be accountability of the Trustees and the staff. For this, there must be Anjuman meetings for the whole community as well as colony meetings on a regular basis where the colony/community members can raise pointed questions to the Trustees on their accomplishments and failures
  • Helpline: We have seen the introduction of a COVID helpline by the BPP during the pandemic. A similar helpline should be created in each colony so that if there is any person in need, there is always some assistance for them

Whistleblower portal: The BPP should create a confidential portal whereby people can let raise issues that they are facing and seek help from the BPP on them. Details of the complainant are kept confidential. Beneficiaries can raise issues of harassment by the Trustees or by custodians or any issue being faced by any person which needs the BPP’s attention

The BPP’s affairs need to be made transparent so that there is no secrecy. People think there is monetary gain in becoming a Trustee. By ensuring there is transparency in the affairs, the claim of corruption is entirely eliminated.

Newspapers will continue to give news. However, the BPP should disclose facts. Taking up an honorary position requires perseverance especially when it is an institution like the BPP. A joint effort needs to be made to create confidence so that the beneficiary can trust its Trustees and for this the BPP needs to be made TRANSPARENT.

Source: Parsi Junction