

Armaity Tirandaz and Xerxes Dastur lead the way

Some lead by instilling fear, threats, intimidation and blackmail. Others lead by compassion and by setting an example!

Today, we have certain Trustees recontesting who have set a benchmark on service for the community before self-service who deal with beneficiaries compassionately and without any kind of threat or blackmail. The community is blessed to have candidates like Armaity Tirandaz and Xerxes Dastur.

You will recall that in 2022, Viraf Mehta sought that if elections are to be held for any vacancy, first the outdated Scheme of Elections should be first amended. Armaity, Viraf and Xerxes burnt the midnight oil for weeks on end and made fundamental changes to a scheme which was initially proposed by Berjis Desai. A review of the scheme proposed by BerjisDesai and the final sanctioned scheme will show the magnitude of changes undertaken by the Trustees and concerned beneficiaries.

Moreso, an unspoken sacrifice was made by Trustees Armaity Tirandaz and Xerxes Dastur for the betterment of the community. Whilst elections for the seat of 5 Trustees should have been held in October 2022, the same was preponed with the consent of all Trustees to 29th May 2022. This meant that:

ARMAITY TIRANDAZ has sacrificed almost a year of her term which would have come to an end on April 2023 and

XERXES DASTUR has sacrificed over three years of his term which would have come to an end in July 2025.

The sacrifice made by the two Trustees to hold elections simultaneously for all seven seats shows that they care for the community. By resigning earlier they have:

i. saved the community with mid-term elections.

ii. They have saved the community with costs of Rs. 40 Lakhs of holding midterm elections.

iii. They have saved the community from another election which we have seen brings about the worse in people.

Their actions have saved the community cumulatively over Rs. 80 lakhs and a lot of unpleasantness that creeps in at election time.

Actions of Armaity Tirandaz and Xerxes Dastur show that they indeed care for the community over all else.

Source: Parsi Junction