

Today the BPP has a team of like-minded Trustees headed by Chairman Armaity Tirandaz along with Trustees Viraf Mehta and Xerxes Dastur. They have a proven track record of working as a TEAM!

They are like-minded and they are liked!

There is a very big distinction between a group being like-minded and a group being like-minded and liked.

Prior to Mrs. Tirandaz becoming Chairperson, there was a constant sense of fear amongst BPP beneficiaries. In the past when services charges of Rs. 750 were imposed there was an unwritten rule that if you do not pay the service charges, the custodians would not collect rent. This meant the BPP could file a suit for eviction against you. This hurtful system has been abolished by Chairman Tirandaz & Trustees Mehta and Dastur.

Today Team Tirandaz believes in TRUST AND COMPASSION. There is not need for the Trustees to file cases against its own beneficiaries unless it is the last resort. Filing to safeguard the Parsi- Only Covenant is acceptable but filing a case because you wrote against certain Trustees in an election I not acceptable. Cases which have been pending for years on end are now being settled compassionately. At a recent meeting it was mentioned that a recent case which was pending over 35 years, the BPP instead of de-housing a Parsi has permitted them to stay n the house for the duration of their life post which the house will revert to the BPP. Senseless litigation is a drain to the coffers and strain on the legal system. As Trustees and as individuals we commit to review all the cases of the BPP and invite all people against whom cases are pending to settle the matter with the BPP.

On speaking with Team Tirandaz, we are informed that they are working towards setting up a PRO BONO LEGAL COMMITTEE OF LAWYERS who will assist in reviewing cases for the BPP and thereafter attempt to act as mediators to settle pending cases. They will aim to settle as many legal disputes amongst beneficiaries as possible. Our community is blessed with some of the finest budding legal minds and with their assistance the BPP is certain to resolve a lot more in the coming years.

Source: Parsi Junction