
Vacancy for a Mobed Saheb at Nargol Agiari

Punjiaji Agiari managed by Nargol Parsi Jarthosti Anjuman needs a Mobed Saheb on permanent basis. His duties will include Boi at the Adaran saheb in all five Gehs, Boi at two Dadgahs sahebs in Havan and Aivisruthrem Gehs, looking after the general upkeep and cleanliness of the Agiari with the help of Agiari staff, perform all Kriyakam, perform Geh-Sarnu in case of a Dokhmenashini at our Dokhma, perform Uthamana whenever required, perform Jashans and other Kriyakaam if required in residences of worshippers and generally attend to all worshippers’ needs.

Persons desiring to occupy the position may please contact the following:
1.Hoshang Havewala: 9820041374
2.Khushroo Daboo: 9820452434
3.Rohinton Dadachanji: 8976000982

The successful candidate will enjoy the following salary and perks:
1. Salary: Rs. 40,000 per month (negotiable upwards commensurate with ability) with the provision for increment every year
2. Spacious modern living quarters consisting of a hall, a bedroom and a kitchen with attached toilet and bath with 24 hours water supply
3. All income from Sukhad and Batti
4. All charges for Kriyakam (assistant mobed in kriya kaam to be paid from the charges received)