Every Good Deed Counts
Zoroastrianism stands for “Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds”. Being true to this motto, our community’s vibrant and popular youth icon, Pearl Tirandaz, launched an inspiring initiative titled “Good Deeds Project’ (GDP), which completes one successful year on November 16.

Credit goes to Pearl’s genuine desire to make a difference to the lives of others and give back to the community, society and city for the good of all concerned. To round up this year, she has taken on a hygiene project where she plans to distribute sanitary napkins to sex workers in Mumbai. She has been reaching out to friends and the community to contribute to this noble cause, collecting sanitary napkin packets (no money), which she will personally distribute tomorrow to mark the first anniversary of her philanthropic venture,

The ‘Good Deeds Project is Pearl’s way of giving back to society, where she also highlights motivational stories of good deeds done by everyday people.
I urge everyone to check out the Facebook page and Insta account of Good Deeds Project. All the stories give us hope that we too can contribute in the smallest of ways and make a difference.
F.E.E.D. – Food and Education to Enrich and Develop is an initiative for street urchins. Rukhsheen Vajifdar talks about how Good Deeds Project highlighted this initiative run by her and her family: “F.E.E.D is a small project doing hands-on work for street urchins and people around in distress. Many people approached us and came forward with blankets and rations to help urchins once they saw our story on GDP by Pearl. It has been a blessing to have Pearl cover us.

Dattaram Fonde, director at Santosh Institute for Mentally Challenged Children Trust, expresses gratitude to Pearl and GDP: “Thank you for making the video and giving the opportunity to our students to be part of it. Thanks to the video our Institute gets donations.
” On Good Deeds Project completing one year, Pearl Tirandaz highlights her ongoing projects: “Honouring our police, BMC and other frontline workers is an ongoing project where I have personally already distributed around 1000 snack boxes along with my volunteers from Colaba to Jogeshwari. I have distributed over 3500 books to children, 4 books per child and that donation drive also continues. Clothes distribution to underprivileged people in the villages will go on too. I have recently embarked on a shoes and sandals donation drive for children in villages. I am also conducting a Good Deeds Project t-shirt sale where for every t-shirt one purchases, I will give away one to an underprivileged person. This has all been possible thanks to the amazing support I have received for all the initiatives.”

Kudos to Pearl and all GDP volunteers and supporters for their efforts and for inspiring us to start our own good deeds project today.
Article By: Pourushasp Mehta, Public Relations professional, is part of 16th East Bombay Zoroastrian Bharat Scout Group and a core member of ZYNG 2.0 (Zoroastrian Youth for Next Generation)
Source: Jam-e-Jamshed Weekly