

My Dear Community

NOSHIR DADRAWALA’s GIMMICKS: In a desperate last bid struggle to win over the lost faith of our Community, Noshir rolled the dice to play his most strategic devious trick “Hunger Strike” to salvage his profound image as the So-Called Righteous Trustee.

THE BARE TRUTH BEHIND THE MOCKERY HE ENACTED WAS TO CONTEST FOR THE THIRD TIME. Noshir Dadrawalla, being a TOY TOP SPINNER that he so closely resembles by twisting and turning, he and Kersi Randeria, without wasting any further time should have filed the Consent Terms at the Office of the Charity Commissioner the very next day and the next step would have been to move the Hon’ble High Court, Mumbai, but with all the Legal Eagles at their disposal, both failed and created a “Status Quo”.

The malafide intent of Noshir Dadrawalla for not doing so, is his fear of Amendment of the Scheme of Elections, not only for the reduction from 7 years to 5 years but his main bone of contention being reduction from 3 terms to 2 terms for Trustees, if incorporated in the Scheme of Elections, will not allow him to Contest for his third term.

The Ostensible Righteous Trustee Noshir Dadrawalla is upto his petty wiles again.

All the drama not only brought our Community into the bad light of the National Media which was specifically invited to cover the farce created at the BPP for ulterior motives, but has cost the BPP the burden of facing a Dangerous Precedent. Now any Trustee or a Beneficiary will sit on a Hunger Strike or resort to any such devious antics to get his way.

It is now evidently clear, Noshir Dadrawalla and Kersi Randeria despite working their way around the Majority are bent on having Elections at all costs without Amendment of the Scheme of Elections, which is neither fair to the Contestants nor the Members of the Anjuman Committee. An Election before the Amendment of The Scheme Of Elections will be solely for the benefit of Noshir Dadrawalla, who will be able to contest for his 3rd Term unless the scheme is amended otherwise.

Mistakes after Mistakes – The Trustees never seem to learn. Now Noshir and Kersi have filed an Interim Application in the Hon’ble High Court against the Chairperson Mrs. Armaity Tirandas & ANR, it is wishful thinking for Elections to take place on 27th March 2022 as the Hon’ble High Court will be obligated to hear the Intervenors to this Petition.

What a waste of Precious Time, Efforts and above all the financial erosion of funds meant for you, my dear Beneficiaries, just to Sooth the Bloated Egos of these Trustees who have no Scruples nor the inclination to serve the Community.

BEWARE! My Dear Community, please do not get carried away by Dr. ZULEIKA HOMAVAZIR CASTIGATES THE ANTICS OF NOSHIR DADRAWALA Dr. Zuleika Homavazir the Gimmicks of Noshir Dadrawalla and Kersi Randeria who have done nothing progressive, though being a part of Absolute Majority for 5 long years, isolating Armaity Tirandas and Viraf Mehta till God intervened and removed their unholy majority and now Armaity Tirandaz is the Chairperson which both of them cannot gulp.

Vote for Candidates with Team Spirit and Impartial Amicability, unlike Contestants whose Loyalty towards the BPP stands irrelevant to their ulterior motives and benefits.

You are the Beneficiaries and do not deserve a Board of Trustees who vie for Stronger Egos at your expense. Our Community has suffered enough at the hands of such Trustees who think the BPP is their Fiefdom and they are the Tzars. Instead of Protecting the Community, these Power Brokers conceptualize private deals to favour their Friends, allotting free houses knowing fully well that such friends have multiple houses whereas so many are in need of accommodation.

Growing number of Suits pending in various Courts can be settled across the Table, but nay that would be shameful to these Egoist Trustees to bow to the very Electorate who has voted them to Power.

The Bombay Parsi Panchayet needs to be completely revamped. Starting with The Scheme of Elections which is a Thesaurus to be followed to the Tee, it’s a pity the Trustees do not follow it and create blunders upon blunders in the name of Adult Franchise.

Dr. Zuleika Homavazir