Jiyo Parsi Friday Forum *History of the Parsis of Sri Lanka* |Friday, 15 October 2021 | 6-7 pm IST |

Friday, 15 October 2021 | 6-7 pm IST | Jiyo Parsi Friday Forum*History of the Parsis of Sri Lanka*
The lecture will focus on the advent and settlement of Parsis in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), their antecedents, businesses, cultural mores, traditions, and so on.
It will also revolve around their rise to prominence as business barons during the British Colonial era, their services to the country, notable figures and their contributions to Sri Lanka, as well as their acts of charity and landmarks associated with the community.
Dr. Zameer Careem, medical historian will also cover the status quo of the community, the reasons for their population decline, the future of Parsis in Sri Lanka, and the steps taken to protect the community from extinction and preserve their history and heritage for posterity and includes video recordings of some of Sri Lanka’s most prominent Parsis.
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Meeting ID: 990 252 6711Passcode: jiyoparsi