
Most Decorated Parsi In CANADA

The National Ethnic Press and Media Council Of Canada recently honoured and Awarded Adil D. Mama with their Medal for his many years of Distinguished and Outstanding Services to The People and the Government of Canada and was given all the rights, privileges and honours afforded as an Honorary Member of the Board of Directors.

From Left to Right: President - Thomas Saras, Mayor of Toronto - John Tory, Adil D. Mama, Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada – Andrew Sheer, Former Senior Cabinet Minister and Author Dr. Tony Ruprecht.
From Left to Right: President – Thomas Saras, Mayor of Toronto – John Tory,
Adil D. Mama, Leader of The Conservative Party of Canada – Andrew Sheer,
Former Senior Cabinet Minister and Author Dr. Tony Ruprecht.

Adil continues to be a trusted senior advisor to many prominent government and business leaders. His many accomplishments and contributions have been noted and acclaimed accordingly in publications and books. Over the years Adil has been the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and medals that include the Gold Medal of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Diamond Jubilee Medal of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and is being nominated to be awarded The Order of Canada.

Adil his wife Margaret and daughter Sophia live in Toronto Canada and is the son of the late Dali and Soonu Mama.