
11th World Zoroastrian Congress

Dear youth members attending the 11th WZC in June,

One of our Australian youth representatives, Merzi Mody has arranged luxury group accommodation for other youth Zoroastrians in Perth for 7 days over the congress period and he is extending an invitation to you all.

The intention is to house youth in the one place to allow for networking and getting to know people from around the World.

Places will be provided on a first come first served basis so please respond as soon as possible.

Merzi has rented a large Federation house close by to the Congress venue and only has four places left.

The house is available from Thursday May 31st – Thursday June 7th and allows for 3 extra days to explore and travel after the congress.

Total cost of the accommodation will be AUD270 per person total which will be much more cost effective than any individual accommodation arranged.

Details for the house:

Link 1:

Link 2:;sid=773e066c8cda28c71c36aac7ef200887;dest_id=-1594675;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=2;hapos=1;hpos=1;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;srepoch=1520313779;srfid=95fece0f2ad70bbc568420336bcef37e3df80dc4X1;srpvid=788925d937e70109;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmpl

Rooms: Please see photos.  Rooms are twin share, or you can go sleeping bag on carpet, etc.

If you would like to accept this offer, please email and provide the following details:


– Name

– Age bracket

– Country of Residence / where you’ll be coming from

– Contact number

– and of course email address

Kindly contact Merzi Mody   |   +61 403 306 240    |

Looking forward to meeting you all in Perth!